211 is Canada’s primary source of information for government and community-based, non-clinical health and social services. The free and confidential service can be accessed 24 hours a day, in more than 150 languages, by phone, chat, text, and web. 211 helps connect people to the right information and services, making their pathway to care and resources a guided and trusted one.
211 is available by phone, chat, website, and text in different regions – dial 2-1-1 to connect to community services.
211 aspires to connect people with the appropriate information and services, enhance Canada’s social infrastructure, and enable people to fully engage in their communities.
You do not have to give your name or personal details to ask for information.
United Way Centraide Canada and the 211 National Service Provider Network pride themselves in serving communities across Canada and upholding the highest ethical standards in our interactions and accuracy in our listings.
What do 211 users have to say?
In provinces where customer satisfaction surveys were conducted: